Hyun Bin says: “Please forget Secret Garden’s Joo Won”
1-Titulares, cine, olacoreana, tvdrama 23:06
Press preview of the movie Come Rain Come Shine
Actor Hyun Bin attended the press preview of the soon-to-be-released movie Come Rain Come Shine and expressed worry, saying, “People will be disappointed if they come to the movie expecting Secret Garden’s Joo Won.”
Hyun Bin, who attended the press preview with director Lee Yoon Ki, Lim Su Jeong, etc., watched the movie on the 14th at the CGV in Wangsimni, Seoul, with reporters and afterwards attended the press conference.
The movie is not about a specific event or story but takes a close look at the lives of a married couple of five years who face separation. Reviewers who saw the preview called it experimental, so moviegoers who expect an interesting story or a cinematic setting might find it boring.
Lee Yoon Ki, the director of the movie, greeted the press by saying, “I hope it wasn’t boring,” and Lim Su Jeong said, “Because of the numerous attempts at artistic features, I think the audience should be informed beforehand.”
It seems Hyun Bin had the same worries. He said, “I think that people who come expecting Joo Won because of Secret Garden might not find it so good,” and said, “The movie might be boring and dull because it doesn’t have many characters or a storylike plot.”
However, he said, “The separation between a man and a woman might cause pain but it also gives hope of a new beginning and happiness to come. If people watch the movie with an open mind, I think they will be able to really appreciate it.”
The press review of Come Rain Come Shine was important because this movie is the last production Hyun Bin will be in before his enlistment in the military. Also, the preview was his public appearance in Korea before he starts his military service. Because the movie was invited to the competition section of Berlin International Film Festival, Hyun Bin and Lim Su Jeong will be leaving for the festival tomorrow (the 15th).
Hyun Bin said, “This is the end of the first act of my acting career, and I think I have been lucky. Both of the pieces I have starred in were invited to the Berlin International Film Festival, and I will be heading there tomorrow in the hopes of experiencing many good things. Whether we win any awords or not is up to destiny.”
Come Rain Come Shine will be released in Korea on March 3rd.
By Hyeon Hwa Young (blackmania83@hanmail.net)
Source: JTN (Original article in Korean)
Photo from JTN DB